Some Very Useful Links
Professional Societies and Resources
SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
IEEE Society - Advancement of Technology
University of Rochester Institute of Optics Home Page
Welcome to the Institute of Physics
Intellectual Propert and Patent Search
Optics Vendors Resources
OZ Optics - Optical Fiber and Fiber Coupled Laser Solutions
Optimax Rapid Prototyping and Production
QED Optical Polishing, MRF, and Metrology
E.R. Precision Optical Diamond Point Turning
International Laser Display Association (ILDA)
Laser Institute of America (ILA)
Quantel Lasers including Big Sky Laser Technologies
Innovative Photonic Solutions - IPS Lasers
Intense Lasers - Visible and High Power Laser Diodes
nLIGHT - High Power Semiconductor Lasers and Arrays
Photonics and Integrated Photonics
Hollowguide Optical Systems Design
Suggestions for Additional Links Will Be Appreciated
Laser Safety
Basic Terminology for Laser Classes
ANSI Z136.1 (2014) - Safe Use of Lasers (Purchase Required)
Optics Software
FRED Optical Engineering Software - Photon Engineering
As the side bar says, it's the best and it's what I chose to use on a daily basis.
SynOpSys - Optical Systems Design, Inc.
Another excellent program featuring command line inputs for seasoned designers and an Artificial Intelligence engine for interpreting user requests. Created and supported by Don Dilworth.
Code V is the big daddy of optical design. I have found no other software to be as comprehensive and it gives the best algorithms for tolerance generation and analysis. I use this on an as needed basis due to its very high cost for licensing. ORA also licenses LightTools for optical engineering tasks similar to FRED.
OSLO - Sinclair Optics (links to Lambda Research)
Klein's Design Program KDP-2 v5 - Engineering Calculations
KDP is powerful but requires a veteran designer to use and understand it. It uses syntax very similar to ACCOS V and features a macro programming language as well as a selection of Damping Term alternatives for unusual and difficult design problems.
ASAP - Breault Research Organization, Inc.
TracePro - Lambda Research Corporation
Business Consutling
Federal Government Access
DoD SBIR & STTR Programs Homepage
Tax Forms and Publications - IRS
Connect to Government Publishing Office
Constitutions, Statutes, and Codes: Cornell Law Lib

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