James A. Carter, III
Opto-electronics Systems Engineer

B.S. Optics from the Institute of Optics, University of Rochester
Degree received with Distinction in May 1982 GPA 3.5/4.0 (Dean's List)
Extensive course work in Electrical Engineering including
Course work from Master’s Degree Program from University of Central Florida; including
Physical Optics Wave Propagation
Fiber Optics Communications

Proficiencies and Achievements
Demonstrated proficiency in advanced optical design using Code V and other industry standard software, optical modeling and simulation for broad band and coherent systems, design assurance and stray light analysis/remediation using FRED, as well as solid model design and ANSI Y14.5M-19xx.
Demonstrated proficiency in advanced data analysis, modeling, and simulation using MATLAB, MathCAD, FORTRAN and C programming languages.
Development of innovative Intellectual Property, most of which is held as trade secrets, regarding all aspects of optical physics, lasers, electro-optics, signal/data processing and electronics.
Principal Investigator of many contract efforts including DARPA as well as IR&D efforts since 1986.
Proposed, awarded and successful completion of many BAA and solicited development contracts as a significant contributor.
Proposed, awarded and successful completion of many SBIR programs up to and including Phase III.
Design of first ophthalmic laser photo-coagulator product to use a mouse and novel laser pointing to give the physician extremely accurate control of spot for treatment.

Patent Awards
U. S. Patent No. 5,267,188 “Multi-Channel Acousto-Optic Spectrum Analyzer”
30 November, 1993 – Instrument Architecture
U. S. Patent No. 7,209,285 “Common Axis Three Mirror Anastigmatic Optic ”
24 April, 2007 – Unique Optical Design
U. S. Patent No. 7,952,059 for a "Viewing system for augmented reality head mounted display with rotationally symmetric aspheric lenses" 31 May, 2011 - Unique Optical Design

January 2017 to Present
Consultant, James Carter Optical Consulting, 141 Lee Street, Indialantic, Florida
Technical consulting for Ocean Optics Inc. (Winter Park) for OEM product design, analysis with regard to manufacturability and yield. Multi-discipline technical leadership and reviews. Design lead for customer initiated OEM products. Initial, small quantity systems integration and test procedures.
October 2014 to December 2016
Raytheon Space and Airbourne Systems, 2000 E El Segundo Blvd, El Segundo, California
System architecture design of unobscured-afocal reflective optics with focus compensation on gimbal and auto-alignment optics for HEL Beam Controller/Director for trans-sonic Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) pod. Anamorphic optics design for HEL pump, seed, output format optics, and bench diagnostics. Stray light analysis (pump waste, fluorescence and ASE) for High Energy Laser (HEL) systems for heat loading and mitigation on optical bench. Modeling of stray light in tactical and space based reflective optical systems for remote sensing and spectroscopic imaging. Concept development, design and layout of spectral beam combination for multiple laser subsystems using anamorphic optics and gratings. System engineering to allocate performance margin for Line Of Sight and Wave Front Error requirements with budget for STOP residuals.
May 2011 to October 2014
Consultant, James Carter Optical Consulting, 141 Lee Street, Indialantic, Florida
Technical consulting for companies involved in laser, optics, and military optics systems. Provided system level expertise for new and existing products including scanning systems, precise beam control and steering, spectral imaging sensors in the short wave infrared (SWIR) as well as diffractive, aspheric optical systems used in the mid-infrared (MWIR).
September 2003 to May 2011
QinetiQ North America TSG, 1901 South Harbor City Blvd. Suite 700, Melbourne Florida
Integrated Product Team (IPT) lead for Satellite Metrology system that was to be used on the Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) spacecraft. Developed the design of space capable metrology sensors in compact form for a micro-Ladar like instrument. Preformed the selection and design of space capable, radiation hard optics and electronics components. Successfully demonstrated the metrology system breadboard to AFRL/DARPA review teams. Responsible for the optical design and detailed analysis of binary optics, wearable displays, and more conventional laser collimators, polarization optics and imager objective lenses using Code V. Evaluated and developed the MATLAB simulation of the architecture for QinetiQ’s coherent optical time domain reflectometer (cOTDR) including a radiometrically accurate simulation of Rayleigh scatter Poisson statistics. Developed methods to increase its spatial resolution and created a patent disclosure for the enhanced architecture. Principle Investigator for DARPA Seedling program to invent and analyze a Zoom Reflective Telescope optical structure that created four Intellectual Property Disclosures for potential Patent protection applications.
October 1999 to September 2003
Lockheed Martin, Missiles and Fire Control, 5600 Sand Lake Rd., Orlando, Florida
Responsible for product development in new systems as well as new methods for existing products. Provided optical design of multi-band electro-optical systems using Code V and ACCOS V for thermal imagery, laser delivery, and polarimetric sensors. Co-Principal Investigator for DARPA BOSS contract regarding self assembled crystals for tunable filters with Dr. Andrew Lyon at The Georgia Institute of Technology. Designed and integrated the Light-weight Airborne Minefield Detection (LAMD) avionic sensor. LAMD used LWIR imaging co-aligned with a laser polarimetric sensor packaged in a stabilized 18” gimbal. Assessed ultra-fast (femtosecond) laser systems for precision micro-machining of optical components and for directed energy weapons. Patent awarded for novel Three Mirror Anastigmatic objective design (with Gary Vanstone).Received Instant Recognition Award in May for LAMD program optical and laser design contributions.
July 1997 to October 1999
Consultant, James Carter Optical Consulting, 141 Lee Street, Indialantic, Florida
Technical consulting for Central Florida companies involved in laser, optics, and military optics systems. Provided system level expertise for new and existing products including scanning systems, precise beam control and steering, night vision binoculars with range and compass capabilities as well as diffractive, aspheric optical systems used in the mid-infrared (MWIR 2-5 micron). Work tasks span from detailed optical design using Code V, calibration process design based on data processing and reduction for sensor processor algorithm development as well as electrical engineering support for instrumentation systems and software development.
November 1990 to July 1997
Staff Optical Engineer, Photonic Systems, Inc., 1800 Penn Street, Melbourne, Florida
Responsible for the design, analysis and calibration of advanced photonic processors and instruments. Instruments targeted remote sensing applications. Processors operated on high bandwidth data and RF signal processing and characterization. Systems include sophisticated device technology such as precision laser sources, high-bandwidth, multichannel Bragg cells, high density CCD image sensors, vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs), avalanche photo-diode arrays, acousto-optic tunable filters (AOTFs) and digital light processor engines (DLP).
Additional experience available upon request

Select Publications
1. J.A. Carter, et al, "Hyperspectral imaging with 12 parallel channel tunable camera", given at the Joint Symposium on Spectral Imaging, O.S.A. 1996 Annual Meeting, ThII5.
2. J.A. Carter, et al, "Analog Accuracy in Optical Vector-Matrix Processors", Optical Computing, O.S.A. 1995 Technical Digest Series, Vol 10, p. 171, 1995.
3. J.A. Carter, et al, "High Performance Optical Vector-Matrix Coprocessor", Photonics for Processors, Neural Networks, and Memories II, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 2297, p. 225, 1994.
4. J.A. Carter and T. A. Sunderlin, "Flexible Detection and Postprocessing Module for Optical Processing Applications", Advances in Optical Information Processing VI, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 2240, 1994.
5. J.A. Carter and D.R. Pape, "Mulitchannel Acousto-Optical Spectrometer", Advances in Optical Information Processing V, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 1704, 1992.
6. P.S. Guilfoyle, J.A. Carter, et al, "32-bit Digital Computer: A Hardware Update", Advances in Optical Information Processing IV , Proc. SPIE, Vol. 1296, p. 2, 1990.
7. "Laser Beams and Resonators: Quick Reference Chart," Lasers and Optronics, Vol. 7, No. 8, p.36. (with R. Wiedemann, and W.D. Fountain).